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Children & Youth

What's happening at Ammanford Church for children and young people

At Ammanford Church we think children (from babies through to 18 years) are just as important as everyone else. We want even the smallest members of our church to find themselves a safe environment in which they can experience age appropriate teaching in a creative and relevant way. The motto which guides all we do with children is:

'Having fun learning about Jesus, from the Bible, in a safe place!'

We would love to see you and your family making the most of everything we do for children and young people at Ammanford Church.

Primary School Age

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Secondary School Age

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A Safe Place

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Got Questions?

If you have further questions concerning your children's experience of Ammanford Church or you want to visit a Sunday service with your children and fancy us making a big deal of them, simply click the button below and get in touch with us!